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We love because he first loved us.

(1 John 4:19)

And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.

(Deuteronomy 10:19)

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「因为人子来,并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。」马可福音 10:45

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Let you light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

(Matthew 5:16)

Our History

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In 1993, the Chinese Christian Union Church purchased the former On Leong Merchant Association Building from the federal government. The church purchased the building as it was looking for additional space for its growing Mandarin speaking ministry and wanted to expand its services to immigrants and other Chinatown residents.

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Since its founding in 1915, CCUC had served its community through English classes, tutoring programs, a Chinese School, a volunteer medical clinic, and Chinatown’s first preschool which is now Pui Tak Christian School. At the dedication of Pui Tak Center in 1995, the Chicago Sun-Times wrote that the “Chinese Church Gives Landmark a Rebuilt Image.”

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After substantial renovations to the building’s interior, CCUC dedicated the building as “Pui Tak Center” on October 8, 1995, which also marked the church’s 80th anniversary. Mr. Stephen Yeh (the founding President of Pui Tak Center) had the vision that the building could be like a “gas station” and provide immigrants everything that they needed on their immigration journey in the U.S. David Wu (the founding Executive Director) worked hard to make this vision into a reality.


Pui Tak Center’s Adult ESL grew quickly to serve hundreds of immigrants adults annually. The church transferred the preschool to Pui Tak Center with the vision that it could grow into an elementary school. In response to the needs of immigrants or ministry opportunities, Pui Tak Center developed computer training programs, a Christian bookstore, music program, children and youth programs, community services and disability services. While our programs change, the board always prioritizes the needs of the newest immigrants and the most vulnerable individuals in the community.



芝加哥,伊利诺伊州 60616

电话: 312-328-1188
传真: 312-328-7452


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