Disability Services
In Asia, many families affected by disabilities are overwhelmed with the challenges that they face and often place their child in an orphanage. While there are many disability services available in the U.S., it is a complex system to navigate. Pui Tak Center supports immigrant parents who have children with developmental disabilities to overcome language barriers in getting services and to face the demands of raising their children. These families are marginalized by society through judgmental and discriminatory stigma.
Family Support and Advocacy
The Pui Tak Center offers a variety of disability services to support families affected by disabilities through several programs and resources including family support group, life skills training and home-based services.
Our services includes case management (helping families apply for services for their child such as PUNS and DRS-Home Service Program), workshops, translation at IEP meetings, family outings and mother’s gatherings.
The work of our staff and the building up of mutual support among the parents is based on 1 Corinthians 1:27 (NIV) which states: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”
Contact: Waiyi Louie, Disability Services Specialist | waiyilouie@puitak.org | 872-260-3349
Poiema Community Day Service
Poiema equips adults with development disabilities with life skills and vocational training. We believe each person is God’s masterpiece (“poiema” in Greek). Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) reads: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Poiema’s mission is to partner with families and communities to co-labor with people of all abilities so that we enjoy and share Abundant Life. Through our services, we express the values of excellence, family, fun, integration, life-long learning, love and respect.
The program operates from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Program components include: life skills (culinary, safety, social, public transportation, etc,), accessing community resources, arts, horticulture, vocational training, volunteerism, microenterprise (greeting cards, shredding, party favors and more), and spiritual development. Some of our Poiema participants have gained part-time jobs paid at minimum wage or higher in food packaging and light janitorial positions.
Home-Based Services
Pui Tak Center is an IL Dept. of Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver Provider of Self Direction Assistance for families who receive Home Based Services funding. In other words, we enable family members who are eligible for HBS funds to receive services in their home and community. Our service facilitation includes:
Training to manage self-directed services
Assisting with budgeting so that maximum monthly benefits are received
Coaching and support for employer-related tasks required by Fiscal Management Agency (ACES$)
Contact: Rosalie Der, Disability Services Facilitator | rosalieder@puitak.org | 872-260-3348